CD#69 Witnessing: A Command Or A Choice?

Witnessing: A Command Or A Choice?

(Transcript Of CD#69)

Let’s open up this Bible study with some questions to make us start to think:

“Agree or disagree” – Witnessing is not merely an activity it’s a way of life?

“Agree or disagree” – Christians don’t do witnessing; they are a witness good or bad?

1.4 million people die each year, that is one person dying every 20 seconds around the clock.

1 million abortion are performed each year in the U.S.

Q. Ask yourself: if others were only as concerned about your soul as you are about theirs, would you be saved at this moment?

Let’s cover a true story that should give us some perspective about the importance of sharing the Gospel.

At the time of the great Chicago fire(1871) that destroyed 4 square miles, the entire city rose in flames. The residences fled for shelter in the waters of Lake Michigan. The flames came closer to the waters edge, but eventually died out there. D.L. Moody found refuge in the chilly water. Near him was a young lady sitting at the waters edge. She had her head in her hands weeping hysterically wailing in uncontrollable sorrow.

Trying to comfort her, he said: “Young lady, young lady! Get a hold of yourself, you are safe now, the fire can’t reach you here. Listen to me young lady you are saved”!

Through her tears the young lady sobbed out this reply: “ yes I am saved, but I did not bring anybody with me”.

Victory Over The Devil (By The 10 R’s)

Illustration: Medieval artists had a particularly graphic way of depicting this struggle and Christ’s victory that followed. On their canvases they would paint the portrait of a man holding a sharp two-edged sword. Wrapped around His feet and legs is a serpent with bared fangs dripping their deadly poison. The two are in a fight to the death. The serpent weaves back and forth seeking an opening, looking for the opportunity to strike a major artery and inject its deadly poison. But all that the snake manages is one little nip at the man’s heels before its head is sliced off. We are in Christ if by faith we have accepted Him as our Lord and Savior to lets go forth in HIS example remembering we are HIS BODY in the earth!

Genesis 3:15 says ” And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel”